Welcome to my lil cabin in the backcountry of the indieweb.
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While I revel in the peace and quiet ‘round these parts of cyberspace, from time to time I tend my digital garden in peace and quiet, work with the garage door up a, and learn in public a. Check out my open plan, some guidelines for what I intend to work on and with, and where I aim to spend my time.
So pull up a seat, make yerself at home and stay a while. Don’t forget to say hello and share the whos-its and whats-its goin’ on in your neck o' the woods, ya’hear?
recent posts
video review: "Who owns the world?"someone asked in good faith for my thoughts on a "controversial" video
my digital gardenthe digital equivalent of a long-/open-term green-thumb project with no outright goals nor objectives
printf("Hello, World!\n");the OG of initial submissions