an ongoing summary of major contributions, or: a humane git log for the layperson
status: [2] in progress
This is a loose record of how I change the site itself, sort of like a broader/higher level git commit history for the non-technical folks. Jeremy Friesen’s explanation a:
“An account of system, functional, and stylistic changes. Not to be confused with Updates[1].”
- I wouldn’t call it responsive, but at least it doesn’t look like dogshit on smaller screens/phones anymore.
- Minor error corrections here and there, alignments, stuff like that. Ironically, the uls on this very page do not align (offset by one ch?) on small screens now… :facepalm:
- Streamlined some internals for automation/references to be less WET and more DRY.
- Normalized frontmatter, it used to be a mess.
- Added a tooltip/pop-up to footnote references so they can be read without going up and down the page.
- Related: for some reason footnote return links don’t move back up to their location in the text, still need to fix that.
- Also for some expanding lists/items: Instead of the previously used hacked together “hidden checkbox dis/enables a hidden div using :before and :after for visual indicators”, I switched to using details/summary tags, setting their label appropriately. Semantic/html5 is a thing, dude… use it. :facepalm:
- Massive CSS overhaul. Frustrated with fighting a theme’s CSS, repeatedly bending it into what I want, so I scrapped it and started from scratch. Ahhh. That’s better. (OK, it’s still kind of a clusterf, but better than before.)
- Updated my resume structure/style/build scripts and a few tiny details.