the page about about pages
mĕt′ə — adjective
Making or showing awareness of reference to oneself or to the activity that is taking place, especially in an ironic or comic way.
Self-referential; at a higher level
- about — about the content, why this exists/goals/objectives
- career — work history, skills, related projects and jobs and such
- changelog — an ongoing summary of major contributions, or: a humane git log for the layperson
- colophon — my pretentious way of saying "site info"
- errata — errors and mistakes that I have corrected
- experiments — personal experiments with n=1
- faq — frequently asked questions
- help — it goes both ways
- hi — contact details and info to say hello!
- me — who I am, what I'm about: the typical "about me"
- mentions — interesting _______ from around the web (or AFK)
- now — what's going on in life right now
- plan — "an open plan": working with my garage door up
- sub — feeds? subscribe? BRING BACK RSS
- support — a list of orgs and causes I support
- uncopyright — you can't steal what is freely given
- uses — "what I use" and maybe some recommendations
- webring — any indieweb posses or gangs I've joined